Saturday, November 30, 2019

Women of the Harlem Renaissance Essay Example For Students

Women of the Harlem Renaissance Essay The movement was known as the New Negro Movement coined by Lain Leroy Locke in 1925. The New Negro was a term related to African Americans during the Great Migration who had moved from the south to northern cities in the United States in search of better education, employment, and suffrage. The New Negro was utilized o describe African Americans as artistic, conscious and sophisticated, as opposed to the stereotypes of African Americans being innately servile. The Harlem Renaissance was known as having a militant edge. The era acted as a celebration and development of the intellectual achievements of African Americans. This period was utilized to recreate the Black identity through varied mediums: music, literature, visual art, and entertainment. We will write a custom essay on Women of the Harlem Renaissance specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The Harlem Renaissance also sparked the notion of the New Negro Woman, relating to women poets, authors and intellectuals, known for heir race conscious writing. Women in the Harlem Renaissance played a vital role as the voice for the struggling minority of African American women. African American women utilized the movement to express their views on race and gender relations. The women poets of the Harlem Renaissance faced one of the classic American double-binds: they were black, and they were female. To the general reader, the poetry of the Harlem Renaissance is more than likely embodied in the work of two or three writers like, Claude McKay or Longboats Hughes. But apart from these literary arks there are also other works by women writers that seek attention,acknowledgement and respect. This work includes poems of homespun wit and sophisticated irony; of family, politics, and existential unease; of love, betrayal, and heartache; of racial pride and world-weariness. In addition, they carried the burdens of the race: self-consciously creating a literature for a people only recently out of slavery; not writing anything that could be construed as revealing, embarrassing or humiliating, not only to African Americans as a group and themselves as individuals, nor anything that deviated from he constrained Victorian social patterns in which all women in our culture found themselves living at that time; and, perhaps most crushing of all, being obligated to write in ways that proved blacks and black women were as literate and articulate, as capable of education and cultivation, as whites. These burdens grew out of the expectations of the Renaissance, or the New Negro Movement. As Lain Locke, one of the pioneering theorists of the movement, wrote in his seminal essay The New Negro, the writers of the Renaissance would Join musicians , actors and dancers and visual artists in educating the world in true African American capability: The especially cultural recognition that they win should accompany any considerable further benefit of race relationships. Things did not quite work out that way. The lives and careers of poets such as Jessie Redmond Faucet, Secondly Bennett, and Georgia Douglas Johnson have, in the history that has been written since, been relegated to the precincts of specialists in African American literature. Yet, the achievements of Faucet, Bennett, Johnson, the other women poets of the Harlem Renaissance stand among the most heroic in the twentieth century American poetry. Jessie Redmond Faucet was born in 1882 in New Jersey. She grew up in Philadelphia and considered herself an O. P. (1 Old Philadelphia). Faucet became a central force in the Renaissance, nurturing and encouraging many young writers. Thought of during her career principally as a novelist, Faucet wrote delicate, if somewhat stiff to modern ears, formally structured verse. In the foreword to her novel The Chicanery Tree, she defined her goal as to represent the breathing-spells, in-between spaces where colored men and women work and love. Historian David Levering Lewis concludes that for honesty and reciprocity, Jessie Redmond Faucets influence on the Harlem Renaissance was probably unequalled. There is no telling what she would have done had she been a man, given her first-rate mind and formidable efficiency at any task. Faucets close friend was Georgia Douglas Johnson-?the only woman of the Harlem Renaissance actually to publish a collection of verse (publishing three between 1918 and 1928). Born in 1880 in Atlanta, Georgia, Johnson herself struggled to make a living in the years after her husbands death, and to send their two sons to college. A 1928 swapper article written about her states that her great fear w as that she would not be able to accomplish her artistic goals, for, although she works incessantly her time is too much taken up with making a living to give very much of it to literary work. She worked a series of Jobs-?as a librarian, schoolteacher, federal bureaucrat -?and applied unsuccessfully for a number of literary grants until late in her life, which male counterparts were far more likely to obtain. She was a prolific writer, also producing drama and music, but worried greatly in her later years about the work he left unfinished. Her poetry is concerned with themes of romance and racial identity; though her most moving verse, certainly from our perspective today, spoke to issues of female identity and freedom. .u2810f4a6be7273d4e111497f0bdcea06 , .u2810f4a6be7273d4e111497f0bdcea06 .postImageUrl , .u2810f4a6be7273d4e111497f0bdcea06 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2810f4a6be7273d4e111497f0bdcea06 , .u2810f4a6be7273d4e111497f0bdcea06:hover , .u2810f4a6be7273d4e111497f0bdcea06:visited , .u2810f4a6be7273d4e111497f0bdcea06:active { border:0!important; } .u2810f4a6be7273d4e111497f0bdcea06 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2810f4a6be7273d4e111497f0bdcea06 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2810f4a6be7273d4e111497f0bdcea06:active , .u2810f4a6be7273d4e111497f0bdcea06:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2810f4a6be7273d4e111497f0bdcea06 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2810f4a6be7273d4e111497f0bdcea06 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2810f4a6be7273d4e111497f0bdcea06 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2810f4a6be7273d4e111497f0bdcea06 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2810f4a6be7273d4e111497f0bdcea06:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2810f4a6be7273d4e111497f0bdcea06 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2810f4a6be7273d4e111497f0bdcea06 .u2810f4a6be7273d4e111497f0bdcea06-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2810f4a6be7273d4e111497f0bdcea06:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Renaissance, Its Impact on English Literature EssayIn one of her best-known poems, The Heart of a Woman, she writes, The heart of a woman falls back with the night, / And enters some alien cage in its plight, / And tries to forget it has dreamed of the stars, / While it breaks, breaks, breaks on the sheltering bars. Secondly Bennett was born in Giddings, Texas in 1902. Raised firmly in the black diddle class, Bennett traveled widely, writing formally controlled, image-rich poems about literary forebears, pan-African solidarity, and the beauty she found in African American people and creativity, something of a novel position at the time. Actor and never quite got it back t o writing. l sailed in my dreams begins Fantasy, one of her poems, and it is both moving and inspiring to think of a woman courageously traveling, seeing, thinking these things-?illuminating other possibilities, even if they were not able to be fully lived at that time-?a time when black women ere trapped in such stereotypes as Mamma domestics or mindless, bobbed flappers dancing at the Cotton Club. Faucet, Johnson, Bennett, and their New Negro peers Anne Spencer, Marital Bonnier, Helene Johnson, Angelina GrimmГÂ ©, and Alice Dunbar-Nelson, among others, presented a vibrant, living image of richly-dimensioned interior lives; of complex, ambivalent emotions towards love, work, and home; nuanced social concern and historical consciousness; the highest degree of education and attention to craft; and a most UN-feminine (by the standards of the time) desire for notoriety and literary achievement. Much can be made of what their work is not; much more should be made of what it is, given the context of a time when black women held arguably the lowest position in society. These women would inspire with their example three generations of poets who had a much greater chance to realize their artistic ambitions-?most directly Margaret Walker, author of the Yale Prize-winning For My People, and Secondly Brooks, the first African American to receive a Pulitzer Prize; and through them a younger generation of poets more able to completely explore their poetic selves and many of the same tensions and issues.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Organizational Structure Essays

Organizational Structure Essays Organizational Structure Essay Organizational Structure Essay Organizational Structure An organizations structure defines how Job tasks are formally divided, grouped ND coordinated. There are six key elements that managers need to address when they design their organizations structure: work specialization, differentiations, chain of command, span of control, centralization and decentralization, and formalization (Robbins Judge, 2009, p. 519). Most of the six elements addressed are easily defined in the hospital setting. There are clearly defined departments that perform Job duties specific to that specialization. The organization can be considered centralized, as decision making is often controlled by senior leadership. Formalization within the organization varies, mom Jobs have low formalization such as nursing, although an argument could be made that nursing has high formalization related to clearly defined policies governing work process but based on varying patient census, complexity of procedures performed, and patient assignment, nurses have a great deal latitude to perform their Jobs. An example of a Job with high formalization could be environmental services where there are clearly defined procedures for cleaning of patient rooms, operating rooms, and other 3 non-patient care areas. Chain of command is clearly defined by employees reporting o department managers, who report to department directors, reporting to associate hospital directors, who report to the Chief Executive Officer. Through observation the organization has a narrow span of control which has three major drawbacks. First, as already described, theyre expensive because they add levels of management. Second, they make vertical communication In the organization more complex. The added levels of hierarchy slow down decision making and tend to isolate upper management. Third, narrow spans of control encourage overly tight supervision and discourage employee autonomy (Robbins Ramp: Judge, 2009, p. 24). The organization operates as a mechanicals organization. Mechanicals versus organic Organization English sociologist Tom Burns and psychologist G. M. Stalker coined the term mechanistic organization. Such an organization is characterized by a high degree of job specialization, clearly demarcated vertical hierarchies and centralized decision making. It stands in contrast to an organic organization, which has decentralized decision-making processes, low Job specialization and horizontal communication channels, all of which tend to empower employees (Capstone Encyclopedia of Business, 2003). Although an attempt is made to decentralized decision-making by quarterly chats with the chief, rarely are executive decisions affected by feedback garnered in these sessions. Work-Life Conflict Such programs as the employee assistance program are available to assist employees in a variety of ways. Every employee regardless of work status is eligible for the employee Organizational Structure 4 assistance program, management is empowered to refer staff as they deem necessary. An area of work-life conflict where the organization failed was the elimination of hospital-based childcare; employees have to find this much needed revive elsewhere and at substantially higher cost. An increased resistance to change is evident when new programs or growth initiatives are introduced. The speed of change will overtake the organizations where the leaders do not adopt a new mindset, first themselves and solicit the hearts, minds, and souls of followers to Join suit on this quest to transform the organizations to successfully operate and do well in the new landscape (Moslem ; Mathieu, 2010, p. 58). Planning of new programs is not taken lightly within the organization, caref ul planning prior to implementation is viewed as critical to success. The foundation lies within the core values of the organization. Organizational Culture The organizations core values of respect, service, and integrity are part of the orientation process for each employee. These values provide a positive work culture although there may come a time when an employee requires reeducation. Regulatory agencies such as the Joint Commission and Department of Health set the expectation for the organization to operate ethically. The organization keeps its culture alive by selecting employees who have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to reform Jobs within the organization. Actions of top management also allow the culture to live through their behavior.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Even in Pot-Legal States, Federal Marijuana Laws Remain

Even in Pot-Legal States, Federal Marijuana Laws Remain Even as more states legalize marijuana for recreational or medical uses, production, sale, and possession of marijuana in those states continue to be violations of federal drug laws.   And as the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) will, under certain circumstances, arrest and prosecute violators of federal marijuana laws even in pot-legal states. Background As of June 2015, Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, and the District of Columbia had enacted laws legalizing marijuana for both recreational and medical uses. In all, 23 states and the District of Columbia currently had enacted laws legalizing marijuana in some form. However, in a classic example of federalism at work, the GAO noted that the U.S. Attorneys will continue to prosecute cases that threaten federal marijuana enforcement priorities, despite state legalization laws. Just for the record, the current federal penalties for possession of up to 50 kilograms of marijuana or 1 to 49 marijuana plants range from up to 5 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000 for a first offense, to up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $500,000 for a second offense. What are the Federal Marijuana Enforcement Priorities? Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) officials and U.S. Attorneys in six states with medical marijuana laws told GAO investigators that their decisions on enforcement and prosecution of federal marijuana laws were typically based on three main factors: Resources needed to target the most significant public health and safety threats, such as violence associated with drug-trafficking organizations;Addressing the concerns of local law enforcement agencies regarding detrimental social side-effects related to the growth of the commercial medical marijuana industry; and Resources need to implement the DOJ’s current marijuana enforcement policy guidance. In an August 29, 2013 memo to all U.S. Attorneys, the DOJ made it clear that they should continue to use their â€Å"limited investigative and prosecutorial resources† to â€Å"rationally† address what the DOJ considers   When are Federal Marijuana Laws Most Likely to Be Enforced? In most cases, enforcement and prosecution of federal marijuana laws in the marijuana-legal states has been and will continue to be focused on preventing the following significant threats: That marijuana will be distributed to minors.That revenue from the sale of marijuana will go to criminal enterprises, gangs and drug cartels.That marijuana from states where it is legal under state laws will be distributed in other states.That state-authorized marijuana operations will be used as cover for trafficking other illegal drugs, like cocaine or heroin.That violence and firearms will be used as part of the growing and distribution of marijuana.That drugged driving and other â€Å"adverse public health consequences† will result from the use of marijuana.That marijuana will be grown on public lands, like national parks, possibly endanger the pubic or government employees.That marijuana will be possessed or used on federally-controlled property. GAO Finds Problems With DOJs Enforcement Monitoring Process According to the GAO, the DOJ molds its marijuana enforcement policies by monitoring the effects of state marijuana legalization in two ways: First, the U.S. Attorneys consult with state law enforcement officials about the potential impacts of federal marijuana enforcement policies. Second, the DOJ consults with the Drug Enforcement Administration and other federal agencies, including the Office of National Drug Control Policy to assess the marijuana enforcement-related data those agencies provide. However, the GAO reported that DOJ had failed to document and report on the federal marijuana enforcement monitoring program as required by its own guidelines. â€Å"Documenting a plan specifying its monitoring process would provide DOJ with greater assurance that its monitoring activities relative to DOJ marijuana enforcement guidance are occurring as intended,† reported the GAO. Providing all of the appropriate federal agencies with a fully documented plan would help the U.S. Attorneys identify state enforcement that are and are not effectively protecting the eight federal enforcement priorities. The DOJ agreed with the GAO’s recommendation that it create and share a fully-documented plan specifying its process for monitoring the effects of state marijuana legalization.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Strategic Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strategic Management - Assignment Example Its manufacturing division has 42 food plants and it operates in over 750 stores directly or through subsidiaries (Kroger, 2011). Vision, Mission & Values of Kroger The Kroger Co., one of the leaders in the retail industry has a strong vision and mission statement with people being the first priority in its business. The vision statement of the company should be ‘It’s all for the people’. The company’s main focus is serving the customer, the people of the society with different types of supports for the community. The core value for the firm is to do business with honesty and telling the truth to the associates and customers. With its integration of a mix cultured people in the workplace the company respect the values and opinions off all its employees (Kroger, 2011). To be the leader in the retail industry with its variety of services The Kroger Co. is also involved in social community activities because they believe that it’s the people for whom th ey work so they must respect and care for the community. Every year the company invests on hundreds of communities for various social causes for the betterment of the society. In the past 3 years the total investment is around $8 million in the areas of education, diversity, community needs, women’s health and fight against hunger campaigns. Kroger understands its importance as it is also beneficial for the business process. Kroger being one of the leaders who wants to be the top ranked retailer needs to be in the mind of the people with the positive impacts from its social activities served towards the community (Kroger-a, 2011, p.2). Internal and External Analysis SWOT Analysis SWOT is the acronym for the internal Strength and Weakness for the company and the external Opportunities and the Threats from other firms. Through this technique the company understands its situation in the market and its possible opportunities and the threats from the market. The company’s m ain aim is to maximize the strength and opportunities while minimizing the weakness and the threats. Kroger with about 2486 supermarket and multi-departmental stores over 31 states has a strong position in the US market. It mainly concentrates in the grocery and the food retailing sector. With its attractive location and variety of products and competing price, Kroger holds a strong market position. But the company faces intense competition from player in the retail market like Wal-Mart Stores, The Home Depot and Costco Companies. On the other hand the consolidation in the food market segment has a big competition in the US retail chain market and affects the market share and profit margin. Food contamination is another issue which can harm a brands image. Expansion of the company in different sectors like the finance market is a great opportunity for the firm. The personal finance brand of Kroger helps the people to avail an easy way to buy through grocery banking. As a threat the slowing economy and the higher level of inflation affecting the food industry as it increases the transport cost and thus affecting the price of food. Cost sensitive customers may shift to low cost food products which will affect the profit margin. Figure 1: SWOT Analysis (Source: Author’s creation) PESTLE Analysis Pestle analysis is the tool to understand the market scenario and the external

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The acid and enzymatic hydrolysis of glycogen Essay

The acid and enzymatic hydrolysis of glycogen - Essay Example Glycogen structure is similar to the amylopectin molecule and it is highly branched. The presence of the monomer compounds are identified by both acid and enzymatic hydrolysis. The acid hydrolysis takes place over a period of time. The acid hydrolysis by the mineral acids takes place readily. The acid hydrolysis product is glucose.(Melville and Alsberg 1930). The enzymatic hydrolysis of the glycogen by the a-amylase (a(1 ®Ã‚  4) glucan, 4-glucanohydrolase, E.C. cleaves the alpha 1ïÆ'   4 linkage in the glycogen molecule yielding a mixture of glucose, maltose and dextrin at the end. (Barbour, 1929). The alpha 1ïÆ'   6 hydrolysis does not takes place as the enzyme is specific for the alpha 1ïÆ'   4 cleavage. As the hydrolysis occurs in a random manner, a variety of the products are formed. (Plummer, 2001).In both the hydrolysis procedures the end product differs. The glucose is the only compound in acid hydrolysis whereas in the enzymatic hydrolysis glucose, maltose and dextrin are the products. The end products are reducing sugars hence the estimation of the reducing sugars is carried out by the Dinitro salicylic acid method. The increase in the number of the reducing sugar production as the hydrolysis takes place is determined by the Dinitro salicylic acid method. The reducing sugars have free carbonyl group with them. This free carbonyl group is oxidized by the 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS). Simultaneously the DNS is reduced to 3-amino,5-nitrosalicylic acid under alkaline conditions. This is a basic redox reaction. (Miller, 1959). The reducing sugars are easily measured by the 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method. According to the Lambert Beer’s law, the concentration of the solution is directly proportional to its optical density. So if the absorbing index of a particular solution is known then the concentration of the given solution at that particular wavelength can be determined by measuring the optical

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Bean Trees Essay Example for Free

Bean Trees Essay Most authors convey an important message or idea throughout their noevls to give a greater understanding to their readers. In Barbara Kingsolvers novel, The Bean Trees, a strong idea that was developed was the possiublity of new beginnings. The Bean Trees is the story of the protagonist Taylor Greer, who starts off on a journey from her home town of Kentucky to Arizona. Along the way she she is given an abandoned child which is the start to her learning about motherhood, becoming a women, the power of friendships and also learns to be capable. The idea of new beginnings is the ability for characters to start over and leave their past behind them. It was mainly developed through Taylor, Turtle, and also a Guatamalan couple Estevan and Esperanza. The first person who helped develop this idea is Taylor. At the beginning of the story Taylor was called Marietta before she decided that she wanted to have a clean break because she had never been crazy about the names which she had been called previously. I didnt have any special name in mind, but just wanted a change this fitted into the theme of new beginnings because she was capable of leaving behind her old life and things that surrounded her name and had the opportunity to have the chance to create a new destiny for herself. As well as giving herself another chance to start her life and live it the way that she wanted through the changing of her name she also left her home town, house, friends, and mother all in search of somewhere new to live her life. She used chance to decide where she was going to stop with the use of her car. Wherever it ran out of fuel or something happened to it, she would stop there. With the ambition of leaving her old Kentucky life behind her, she started a journey which led her to Oklahoma. this just happened to be the place where she was given an abandoned child. This was another new beginning for Taylor. Can you talk? What am I supposed to do with you tonight? What do you eat? This series of questions that Taylor asked the abandoned child showed that she had absolutely no idea what she was doing and still had to learn the first steps of becoming a mother. It was a new beginning for her to take on responsibility for someone else. She had to grow, learn and understand in order to take care of the child that she had suddenly gained to take on her journey. She may not have understood what to do or how to do it, or even truly wanted this new beginning, but all in all she was given the chance. Kingsolver suggests through the use of Taylor that often life presents us with unexpected occurances, but if grasped correctly can lead to a possible great change, and therefore future. Through the use of Taylor as a character Kingsolver helps to show us that around the corner, in every situation, if something as small as a car journey, can lead to amazing opportunities to start afresh in our lives. Turtle is another character that helps develop Kingsolvers idea of new beginnings. Turtle is an abandoned 3 year old Indian child, who was abused when she was younger. After her mother died she was left to an unexpected Taylor who was just someone passing through the town, but turned into the receiver of a child who she had no clue what to do with. On later inspection of the child which she named Turtle she noticed that her body was covered in bruises and worse as Taylor said. When Taylor realised that turtle was a girl she said that fact already burdened her short life with a kind of misery that she could not imagine. Through this you can picture just how horrible the life this young child must have had. However this was the end of her bad story and the beginning to a new one. Just like Taylor she is given a new name, but also a new mother, new friends, and a new chance. With the opportunity Turtle is now able to grow. Turtle had managed to get through her whole life without a book, I suppose, and then she had two of them bought for her in one day. This quote shows the beginning if Turtles chance of recovery. She was a 3 year old stuck in an 18 month old body. She was a child with a horrible past, but a chance to start over. The development of Turtle made you understand that the majority of people are at some point given the ability to have a new beginning, no matter how terrible their life was before hand. Estevan and Esperanza are a Guatamalan couple who are also given the opportunity to have a new beginning and therefore helped develop the idea of new beginnings. Estevan and Esperanza are people who are illegally living in Tucson. Esperanza and Estevan live in Matties sanctuary that she has set up for people like them. After becoming good friends with Taylor they decide that they need to move on from Tucson and constantly running from the law. With Taylor and Turtle they set off to go to a safe house in Oklahoma. They were considered illegals and needed to be taken out of the country. however there should not be people judged as legal or illegal. There is only a difference between people who are good or bad. Because of this they are taken to a safe house where they are unlikely to be taken away. Instead of focusing on the negative once at the church Estevan says dont think of us stuck here forever. Think of us back in Guatemala with our families. His optimism in their new ability to have a clean break and go back to their home country showed the idea of new beginnings in a different light. It'[s not always physically being somewhere that gives people their new beginnings. Sometimes it is just a chance that makes believing in what was, or what could be, possible again. This is how Estevan and Esperanza helped deleop new beginnings as an idea in the novel. In conclusion, everyone has a chance at a new beginning, whther big or small. Three different sets of characters showed this throughout the novel The Bean Trees. Taylor helped the idea become present in the story as well as develop in as not only the physical actions that allow the new beginning to happen, but also a state of mind. Turtle developed the idea so that it showed the readers that just because someones life starts out badly, it doesnt mean their opportunity to have a new beginning wont come along. Estevan and Esperanza developed the idea so that you realised sometimes all that you need is faith to have the chance at a new beginning. In the end new beginnings was an idea that many characters showed their their own stories and therefore developed into their own way of showing the idea and allowing readers to understand it.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Foreshadowing in Oedipus the King and The Marriage of Figaro :: comparison compare contrast essays

Foreshadowing in Oedipus the King and The Marriage of Figaro      Ã‚   `You are the curse, the corruption of the land!'.   With these words, Tiresias, a blind prophet in `Oedipus The King' set the actions in play that would turn king to beggar within the day.   Prophecy and foreshadowing is an important part of playwriting, and adds an element of suspense that is not possible any other way.   Whether it be the witches of MacBeth, the ramblings of Tiresias in Oedipus the King, and Antigone, or whether it is the unrealized foreshadowing by Figaro in `The Marriage of Figaro', foreshadowing gives the reader or the audience something to puzzle themselves over, until the play or novel is actually over.   It would not be a stretch of the imagination to say that some of the greatest plays ever written would be impotent if their elements of foreshadowing was removed.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Foreshadowing is defined, in Webster's dictionary, as `to give a hint or suggestion of beforehand'.   In drama, foreshadowing is generally used for several purposes, including the creation of tension, creation of atmosphere, and adds an element of credibility to a character.   All of these are important elements of a play.   However it is not hard to imagine a play in which more then half of the elements of a plot, namely exposition, discovery, point of attack, complication and crisis all be caused by an act of foreshadowing or prophecy.   Indeed, "Oedipus the King", which was considered the greatest play in history by Aristotle, was one such play.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "Oedipus the King" was the story of the King of Thebes, Oedipus, and his dark past history which no one, including himself to a point, was aware of, one that involved abandonment, patricide and incest.   Thebes was beset by a plague, and a delegation was sent to Apollo, the Greek God of healing, where they received instructions to find the murderer of the previous king of Thebes, King Laius.   This form of foreshadowing was necessary for the storyline to have a starting place, and acts not only as foreshadowing, but also as discovery, because it gave new information that moved the plot forwards.   A problem with this is the fact that it requires an act of God, something that Aristotle frowned upon in his definitive text

Monday, November 11, 2019

Ikea Selling Strategy

1. Executive Summary: 2. 1. IKEA Objectives: * IKEA produces cheap and affordable products for the customers. * The company wants better life for those who cannot afford expensive products. * IKEA always helps to produce right product for the right consumer. * IKEA always tries to sell their products at low prices. * The company’s global developments and its continual commitment is to have a positive impact on people and the environment. 2. 2. IKEA Vision: The Vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people.They make this possible by offering a wide range of well-designed home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them. 2. 3. IKEA Mission: The mission is to offer a wide range of home furnishing items of good design and function, excellent quality and durability, at prices so low that the majority of people can afford to buy them (IKEA 1994). The company targets the customer who is looking for value and is wil ling to do a little bit of work serving them-selves, transporting the items home and assembling the furniture for a better price.The typical Ikea customer is young low to middle income family. 2. Company Summary: 3. 4. Company Background: IKEA is a privately-held, international home products retailer that sells flat pack furniture, accessories, and bathroom and kitchen items in their retail stores around the world. The company, which pioneered flat-pack design furniture at affordable prices, is now the world's largest furniture retailer. IKEA was founded in 1943 by 17-year-old Ingvar Kamprad in Sweden and it is owned by a Dutch registered foundation controlled by the Kamprad family.The company which was originated in Smaland, Sweden, distributes its products through its retail outlets. As of August 2009, the chain has 301 stores in 37 countries, most of them in Europe, North America, Asia and Australia. IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad was born and grew up on the farm Elmtaryd, parish of Agunnaryd in Smaland, in the south of Sweden. As a young boy Ingvar Kamprad knew that he wanted to develop a business. Various events during his upbringing gave him a strong drive to create his own resources and to be independent. In 1943 The Ikea was born, initially a mail-order business selling pencils, postcards, and other merchandise.The name derives from the initial letters of Ingvar Kamprad and of Elmtaryd and Agunnaryd. More over in 1948 Furniture manufacturing was an additional business for many farmers in Smaland. So Ingvar Kamprad also introduced Furniture in the IKEA business as a complement to the general merchandise. This was a success and Ingvar Kamprad starts exploring innovative solutions such as furniture design, self-assembly and advertising and by 1951 The first annual IKEA furniture catalogue was published in Sweden. Ikea grew and two years later by 1953 they opened a showroom in Almhult.Here the customers could see and experience the quality of the products bef ore ordering them and Ingvar could meet customers in person and learn from them. 3. 5. Company Location and Facilities: The company IKEA has a several store over many places in the world as the following a. Europe: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Greece, France. Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Cyprus, Hungary Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Russia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Switzerland, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden, Turkey, and United Kingdom b. North America: Canada and United States. c.Middle East: Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates. d. Asia Pacific: Australia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore, and Thailand. The facilities that could be found in most of IKEA stores is the same, however they are mentioned in the IKEA Ireland as the following: a. Showroom: IKEA stores are huge home exhibitions. Stretch out on a bed, see how many people you can fit on a sofa, or let your children choose furniture for their rooms. Our room settings are built entirely from IKEA products, and will give you inspirational ideas for furnishing, lighting and decorating your home. . Market hall: The market hall is just what it sounds like: many different specialist shops gathered together. You’ll find everything from rugs to pots to picture frames and clocks. You’ll also see all kinds of home lighting, everything you need for your kitchen, and countless unique gifts you can give to others – or spoil yourself with. c. IKEA Restaurant: At the IKEA restaurant you can take a break from the hard work of shopping. You can even start your day at the IKEA restaurant with breakfast before the store opens. Or why not have coffee and cake in the afternoon!In the restaurant you’ll find healthy Swedish and local dishes daily made using high quality fresh produce. You can use our highchairs and baby changing facilities for the little ones. And while the grownups rest a few minutes after lunch, the kids can have fun in the c hildren's play area. d. IKEA for kids: IKEA supervised play area and ballroom, and shop in peace. This way, everyone's happy. Or if you want them to help make furnishing decisions, strollers are available at the entrance. e. Care and feeding of kids: IKEA provides clean feeding and changing facilities for small children.And our restaurant has a special menu just for the kids. f. Trolleys for everyone: There are plenty of carts available to help you take your purchases to your car. Or you can bring your car to your purchases by pulling up to our customer loading bay. g. The barter system: Almost any way you want to pay is fine with us. You can always pay with cash or a major of credit card, but other payment methods are usually also available. They vary from store to store, so please check with your local IKEA store to find out more. 3. Product and Services of IKEA: 4. 6. Products Description: IKEA products are identified by single word names.Most of the names are Scandinavian in ori gin. Although there are some notable exceptions, most product names are based on a special naming system developed by * Upholstered furniture, coffee tables, rattan furniture, bookshelves, media storage, doorknobs: Swedish place names (for example: Klippan) * Beds, wardrobes, hall furniture: Norwegian place names * Dining tables and chairs: Finnish place names * Bookcase ranges: Occupations * Bathroom articles: Scandinavian lakes, rivers and bays * Kitchens: grammatical terms, sometimes also other names * Chairs, desks: men's names Fabrics, curtains: women's names * Garden furniture: Swedish islands * Carpets: Danish place names * Lighting: terms from music, chemistry, meteorology, measures, weights, seasons, months, days, boats, nautical terms * Bed linen, bed covers, pillows/cushions: flowers, plants, precious stones * Children's items: mammals, birds, adjectives * Curtain accessories: mathematical and geometrical terms * Kitchen utensils: foreign words, spices, herbs, fish, mushr ooms, fruits or berries, functional descriptions * Boxes, wall decoration, pictures and frames, clocks: colloquial expressions, 4. . Competitive Comparison: Retailers have generally been slow to develop multilingual Web sites simply because they’ve been slow to expand outside of their domestic markets. According to a Deloitte study of the world's top 250 retailers, 104 retailers have no international operations at all, but IKEA had a leg-up on its competitors because it built its business not only through store expansion but through a hugely popular mail-order catalog. 4. 8. Supply and Demand Details: We will talk about the market forces for the global market instead of talking about Malaysian market only.Supply planner – demand ; need Global supply chain management of Children's lighting products from IKEA suppliers to IKEA stores world-wide, managing sales forecast, capacity planning, replenishment and information flow. Responsible for the global supply to 350 IKEA s tores worldwide within a business area of Children's IKEA. The Increased availability at the store from 85% to 99% within a year. Reduced the stock weeks from 7 weeks to 3 weeks within a half year. Shared knowledge of supply chain management with co-workers in China and Lithuania. 2005 Logistics ; Operations, IKEA Trading Southeast Asia Thailand Managed a variety of competence development programs in areas of logistics and operations for purchaser, technician, supply planner, material manager and business development managers. In addition to be responsible for the company's Centre of Competence in supply chain management, executed a research program about competence management in a cross-cultural organization that covers Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia. 150 IKEA Trading Southeast Asia co-workers have attended supply chain management program.Licentiate thesis has been written and it raised the attention to the importance of total optimization within IKEA pipelines both in g oods and information flows. 4. 9. Technology Needs: After surfing the market for information we figured-out that the tools in the industry are similar for all the brands. Tools are the heart of the carpentry profession. The best place to start is with basic hand tools. A measuring tape, combination ruler and level, pencils, hammer; saws, a carpentry square and hand drill are all inexpensive parts of a carpentry set.Chisels, planes and sanding blocks are also important because furniture needs a fine, smooth finish, free of splinters and sharp corners. A kit of brushes, cloths and sponges are required for the stain and lacquering steps. In order to add padding or upholstery to the furniture, the carpenter will need a set of clamps in varied sizes and a staple gun. Time the first few projects completed in the shop step by step to determine which steps will benefit most from investing a time-saving power tool.Power saws are the most universal time-saver, and drill presses and power sand ers also offer time savings. But Ikea does not have its own manufacturing facilities. Instead, it is using subcontracted manufacturers all over the world for supplies. All research and development activities are however, centralized in Sweden. In order to maintain low cost, 4. Market Analysis 5. 10. Target Market in this study I will not separate each market but instead of that I will focus on the global integrated market. 4. 1. 1 Target Market Segment Strategy: IKEA is large enough to enjoy economies of scale.This lowers average costs in the long run through, for example, better use of technology or employing specialized managers. Economies of scale also give a business a competitive edge if cost savings are then passed on to customers in the form of lower prices. This puts up high barriers to entry for smaller companies entering the market. The target customer of IKEA is everybody. So the market segment is a very important part of IKEA strategy. After visited the IKEA store, I thi nk the market segment of IKEA is the different part of house, like the kitchen, the bedroom, the bathroom.Actually, the market segment is according to the â€Å"life situation†. The life situation creates the need of the home furniture. IKEA do not select the customer, IKEA just select the offer from the life situation. For example, I am a student. I need the bookshelf, desk and I do not need the kitchen because I do not live in my own place now. But after 10 years, the need of life situation will change. I will need other things. The most important point is that I am always the target customer even in different ages. And IKEA always provide customers the things they need.I think that is a good method that IKEA used to service the customers and win the hearts of the customers. 4. 1. 2 Market Needs: 4. 1. 3 Market Trends 4. 1. 4 Market Growth: 5. 11. Industry Analysis 4. 2. 1 Industry Participants/Key Players To analyze the Industry I will use Porter five forces analysis: Acco rding to Pearce, J. A. and Robinson R. B. (2011) Strategic Management . 12th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill â€Å"Harvard professor Michael E. Porter propelled the concept of industry environment into the foreground of strategic thought and business planning†.The five forces were as following: 1- Competitive rivalry. 2- Threat of substitute products. 3- Threat of new entrants. 4- Bargaining Power of suppliers. 5- Bargaining Power of customers. * INTERNAL RIVALRY/COMPETITORS: the industry is highly competitive and characterized by other low priced furniture producers such as Galiform of England and retailers such as Wal-Mart of the United States. Internally, the organization saw differences of opinion regarding product offerings and positioning.Due to the intense competition worldwide, IKEA has wisely attempted to compete by entering the markets which typically pose the largest competition, such as China and Japan. * SUPPLIER POWER: because Ikea had heard from its customers th at many of its furniture offerings were too complicated to be assembled by the customer; showing the power of the supplier to make a difference, IKEA has gotten cooperation from some suppliers to provide materials that are easier for the customer to assemble, thereby (using its' value chain system) by adding value to the supplier relationship. BUYER POWER: everyone can recognize that Buyers have a great deal of influence over IKEA's product line and direction; for example, in the 1960s, IKEA developed the ability to package its unassembled furniture in flat cartons, making it easier for the buyer to handle the cartons. This considered as a response to direct feedback from the buyer. Additionally, due to buyer demand, IKEA will continue on its current growth strategy. * POTENTIAL ENTRANTS: Domestically, IKEA faces the threat of potential entrants; as the dominant firm, because the nature of the business allows new ventures to enter the market, IKEA worst scenario is the copy-cats.The organization always feel threaten by any potential new entrant to use do it yourself approach which gives IKEA many of its' competitive advantages. * THREAT OF SUBSTITUTED PRODUCT AND SERVICE: is low as there are no too many products and services available that can substitute the demand for furniture, home appliances and a range of other products offered by IKEA. So Substitution is not a reason to make them worry, because they have their own market -segments. 4. 2. 2 Main Competitors/Competitive Analysis: If the 5. 0 Strategy and Implementation Summary 5. Marketing Strategy: People like to buy IKEA’s products because of their low prices and medium-quality. People have great awareness of the brand. Moreover, we can see people like to go IKEA store because of good facilities. The products that will be in direct competition with IKEA’S sales are split into distinct different groups by home depot they are: Bedroom, dining room, furniture parts, home office, kid’s r oom, and living room and kitchen supplies. The different products that are supplied are provided to Home Depot by a variety of different brand names. . 2 Pricing Strategy: IKEA positions itself with low prices. They are extremely price/cost conscious. 5. 3 Promotion Strategy: Promotion: IKEA has its own website where they now have their catalogues virtually. In the last year 198 million copies of the catalogue were printed in 56 editions and 27 languages. Moreover, IKEA uses newspaper ads and television commercials. The company uses billboards ads and bus stop ads. IKEA also faced controversy in their â€Å"Tidy up† advertisement campaign. IKEA does not spend largely on promotions.IKEA believes on their online catalogues and print publications of the catalogs. The catalogue is the main tool for selling. IKEA try to cut the cost with lease advertisement. But it is very important part. 5. 4 Distribution Patterns: IKEA has 28 large distribution centers and 11 customer distributi on centers in 16 countries. IKEA has 1400 suppliers for distribution. 5. 5 Marketing Programs People like to buy IKEA’s products because of their low prices and medium-quality. People have great awareness of the brand.Moreover, we can see people like to go IKEA store because of good facilities. The products that will be in direct competition with IKEA’S sales are split into distinct different groups by home depot they are: Bedroom, dining room, furniture parts, home office, kid’s room, and living room and kitchen supplies. The different products that are supplied are provided to Home Depot by a variety of different brand names. 5. 6 Sales Strategy: 5. 7 Sales Forecast: 5. 8 Sales Programs: 6. 0 Web Plan Summary 6. 1 Website Marketing Strategy 6. 2 Development Requirements

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Nativist’s Response to Immigration

Immigrants have been seeking salvation or just new opportunities in America for hundreds of years. Even Americans originally started off as immigrants. They came to settle in this New World to seek opportunities. These types of immigrants were white, strong, leaders and felt they were superior. In the mid nineteenth century, the â€Å"new† immigrants were also welcomed. According to President Grant, these â€Å"new† immigrants were the weak, broken, and crippled people who had nowhere else to go. Grant thought these â€Å"new† immigrants would ruin the tone of the American life into a more vulgarized tone now that these immigrants are filling up the jails and asylums (Document 4). They mostly came from Southern and Eastern parts of Europe and were poor, ignorant, and illiterate. They were needed for working power and employers liked to use them because they were able to give them cheaper wages. Soon there was an economic boom when machines came to replace the workers. Resentment soon arose since job offers were scarce and immigrants received the jobs over the Americans. Certain groups of Americans opposed open immigration. Many of these people did not want new arrived immigrants to have the right to vote until they have lived in the United States for 21 years. These were often referred to as the Nativist groups. These Nativists were the old type of American immigrants who looked down on these new immigrants and wanted to shield America from them. Nativism did speak out against the Chinese immigration on the West Coast. Nativist arguments say that Chinese immigration would create race antagonism throughout the entire public. This means there will be hostility among the races so there would be separation among the country. In 1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act suspended Chinese immigration for ten years and prohibited the naturalization of the Chinese. The Chinese were once a great asset to America. They came over from China and helped build the railroads. After the railroads were finished, the Chinese were supposed to leave. Instead, they stayed in America for good. The Chinese immigrants now wished to assimilate their own culture and ideas with the American ideas. Americans, mostly Nativists, were extremely bothered by this because the Americans did not want the Chinese to bring their alien culture to America (Document 1). Other groups, who resented other races from assimilating, organized classes so the immigrants can learn the American language and way. They said immigrants should become citizens by learning the â€Å"American language. † They thought if the people that come to America and don’t learn the way of the Americans, then this country will soon be just like the old country, the country which they have already left (Document 3). Resentment over immigration still arose within the United States. Many writers began to blame immigrants for problems regularly occurring throughout time. E. A. Ross wrote that immigrants had a strong influence on American politics and government. He said that the simple minded foreigner is the tap-root to the main issue. The tap-root is the source of the problem. Ross said that once that simple minded foreigner unleashes his ideas, the foreigners get a stronger grip on the situation. They soon broaden and entrench their power by intimidation at the polls; they have ballot frauds, saloon influence, and much more. This will all start from one foreigner and will soon increase till the foreigners have a larger vote (Document 7). Other writers like Rev. Josiah Strong blamed certain â€Å"diseases† on immigrants. These were not actual diseases but more like problems in the country. He blamed immigrants on the lack of holiness in the Sabbath and how it is now a holiday. He also blames the liquor traffic on the immigrants too (Document 2). Whether the immigrants came to America or not, these problems would still be here. It’s human instinct to attack a different race or religion when a problem comes about. That is exactly what the Americans were doing to the immigrants. There was always a large amount of immigrants arriving into the United States. The greatest danger of unrestricted immigration is that the immigrants can overrun the master race and they can have more control then the Americans (Document 5). When a lower race mixes with a higher race in sufficient numbers, history proves that the lower race will prevail. If the Americans continue to let unrestricted amounts of immigrants enter the United States, their thoughts and believes would soon alienate the Americans and the Americans would soon become the strangers in their own country (Document 6). Once Americans began accepting that there is no way to completely stop the flow of immigrants into America, they began to find ways to limit the amount arriving. In 1921 the National Origins Act was put into effect. It looked at the immigration record to find a base year. They looked at the year that the fewest immigrants arrived and called that the base year. They used the base year as the quota for immigrant arrival. Illegal immigration continued and the immigration and Naturalization office spent a good deal of time tracking down and deporting illegal immigrants. Finally the immigration Act of 1985 was passed which said that an illegal immigrant who has been in America for at least five years, and who can prove it, can apply for citizenship and become an American citizen. As long as the flow of immigrants is carefully regulated then immigration should be no problem, maybe even beneficiary.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Answer Salary Questions in an Interview -TheJobNetwork

How to Answer Salary Questions in an Interview -TheJobNetwork There’s a bunch of things you’re not really supposed to talk about in interviews. Politics, religion, that weird growth you noticed on your arm this morning. Ideally, we could add salary to that list as well; more specifically salary questions. The job application process has a number of separate stages: applying, interviewing, job offer, then salary negotiation and acceptance. Most employers stick to this, and let the money talk wait until things are further along. But if they jump the gun and ask you up front for a) your current salary or b) desired salary, what do you do?DON’T bring up salary firstIt can be tempting to wrap up a great interview with, â€Å"So what would my salary be?† The interview is about selling yourself, and packaging yourself, so keep the emphasis on your awesomeness as a candidate. Putting a dollar figure on that awesomeness comes later, after they decide they want to hire you, so it’s best not to appear too eager. Also, it shifts the focus away from your skills and qualifications, and puts a price tag square on your forehead. And the interviewer just might not be the appropriate person to discuss salary in the first place. Many companies keep the financial negotiation part limited to HR, while your interview might be with someone who has little control over that aspect.DON’T feel obligated to talk numbers.If they ask you what you expect the salary to be for this position, it’s okay to defer by saying, â€Å"I’m sure the company offers a fair range, and I look forward to discussing that in the future.† Answering the question directly can be risky: go too high, and they may stop considering you. Go too low, and you may get low-balled on the salary after you get a job offer, if they know they can get away with a lesser amount.DO keep things vague.If the interviewer asks you what your current salary is, you can estimate a range, and bump it up slightly to include any benefits you might have. Don’t lie- if you tack on $10K to what you’re currently making, the true numbers will likely come up later, making you look look both foolish and shifty.DON’T bust out your W-2 from last year.Even if you’re asked about your current salary, it’s not really appropriate for anyone to ask you for specific documentation at that point.DO shift focus away from money as quickly as possible.Emphasize that while the salary is obviously an important part of any job, you’re more concerned about opportunity and growth. You can say that right now, you’re more interested in talking about how you’d fit in with this position.DO some research up front, and have a number in mind.Even though there shouldn’t be extensive talk about the salary at this point, you should already have a good idea of the range, whether it’s from the initial job description or some basic research about the job title or company. That way, if the subject does come up and you name a number because you feel put on the spot, you’re working with reasonable figures.In an interview, the focus should be on you, not on the financial bottom line. But if it does come up, being prepared to deflect it and move on like the smooth operator that you are will help you get through an awkward moment.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Profile of Greek Mathematician Eratosthenes

A Profile of Greek Mathematician Eratosthenes Eratosthenes (c.276-194 B.C.), a mathematician, is known for his mathematical calculations and geometry. Eratosthenes was called Beta (the second letter of the Greek alphabet) because he was never first, but he is more famous than his Alpha teachers because his discoveries are still used today. Chief among these are the calculation of the circumference of the earth (note: the Greeks did know the earth was spherical) and the development of a mathematical sieve named after him. He made a calendar with leap years, a 675-star catalog, and maps. He recognized the Niles source was a lake, and that rains in the lake region caused the Nile to flood. Eratosthenes - Life and Career Facts Eratosthenes was the third librarian at the famous Library of Alexandria. He studied under the Stoic philosopher Zeno, Ariston, Lysanias, and the poet-philosopher Callimachus. Eratosthenes wrote a Geographica based on his calculations of the circumference of the earth. Eratosthenes is reported to have starved himself to death at Alexandria in 194 B.C. Writing of Eratosthenes Much of what Eratosthenes wrote is now lost, including a geometrical treatise, On Means, and one on the mathematics behind Platos philosophy, Platonicus. He also wrote the fundamentals of astronomy in a poem called Hermes. His most famous calculation, in the now lost treatise On the Measurement of the Earth, explains how he compared the shadow of the sun at Summer Solstice noon in two places, Alexandria and Syene. Eratosthenes Calculates the Circumference of the Earth By comparing the shadow of the sun at Summer Solstice noon at Alexandria and Syene, and knowing the distance between the two, Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the earth.The sun shone directly into a well at Syene at noon. At Alexandria, the angle of inclination of the sun was about 7 degrees. With this information, and knowing that Syene was 787 km due south of Alexandrian  Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the earth to be 250,000 stadia (about 24,662 miles).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Legalization Of Selling Human Organs Case Study

Legalization Of Selling Human Organs - Case Study Example Deaths that could be prevented by legalizing organ trade, pitting the merits of legalizing organ trade against the disadvantages of making it illegal. Legalizing the trade will save lives, activities of the black market will be erased, and organs will be available at cheaper prices for all. Universally, there is a problem caused by the high demand for transplants yet a shortage looms in terms of supply. Donations of organs by the deceased are affected by the legal system of countries and the socio-cultural factors. Even in developed countries where deceased organ donations are high, they fail to meet the growing demand. The use of live donors for kidneys and livers transplants is carried out, but the practice is termed illegal in many countries creating black markets for such scarce organs. Many arguments have been passed whether to legalize or not the trade, from medical, financial, legal and other points of view. All the countries are against legalizing organ trade except Iran. Other nations around the world have some laws when it comes to organ trade whether through legislation or outright ban and who can make donations. Presumed consent is being used by other countries to increase the supply of these vital organs which has been adopted by a country like France. Schemes have been developed by the government to compensate those who donate organs and coming up with legal initiatives to collect organs despite being involved in it being illegal. China is among the countries that have violated human rights in relation to organ trade where cases of kidnappings have been reported, strict and prohibitive laws and policies, have been passed to regulate the trade. (Kluger 42) In the world hot spot countries, The Times has identified where the black market of the organ trade takes place. They include South America in which illegal transplantation became an issue in Brazil.