Saturday, May 23, 2020

Contemporary Ethical Challenges and Leadership Essay example

A00014183 PHI 300 CONTEMPORARY ETHICAL CHALLENGES AND LEADERSHIP Ethics is a discipline of philosophy that outlines the right and the wrong moral conduct. It is a study of the moral behaviour of individuals and sets out a code of conduct as to how humans should act in a given situation. Contemporary ethics links the basic ideology of ethics with various other disciples of philosophy. Global dynamics have changed over the years. The way people think and behave, their sense of right and wrong, their views on the good and the bad, all of this has changed over time. Things that people perceived as wrong in the past are now viewed as tolerable and acceptable. This change in the way people think has brought about numerous challenges that†¦show more content†¦Businesses are run on the basis of trust and ethics. An increasing number of business schools now teach philosophy and ethics as a part of their curriculum so as to avoid their graduates from following prey to scandals and breach of ethics in the real world (Fulmer, 308). The ethics of leadership have been analyzed time and again using the disciplines of science and humanities. While scientific scholars aim at providing people with descriptions and explanations, the humanities scholars deliver an understanding of the topic (Ciulla, 304). Every leader has to face his personal set of ethical challenges. These challenges may differ from one leader to another. In the case of national leaders, there are situations where their moral luck is to be blamed. Certain leaders are not unethical, but the situations that they have to face might lead them to make certain decisions which may look immoral. The decisions which leaders have to make on a daily basis are very sensitive and risky. At times they do not have complete information or may lack the time to gather the required information. When it comes to national decisions, leaders may often have to opt for a strategy which will cause the least amount of damage, but will cause damage nonetheless. Kant’s argument holds true in these situations. The argument was that since humans cannot guarantee the results of their actions, the judgments should be based on the right principles which aShow MoreRelatedPersonal Model of Ethical Leadership1303 Words   |  5 PagesPersonal Model of Ethical Leadership Personal Model of Ethical Leadership: Ethical leadership is an important aspect that should be practiced by all individuals in leadership positions despite of whether the leadership is intentional or unintentional, or formal or informal. However, practicing ethical leadership is difficult in some cases, especially when there are tough decisions to be made while the appropriate choice is unpleasant though its clear. 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The articles penned with the intention of examining the impact leadership style and leadership theory in areas such as individual identity, culture, and worldview. Mahdi, Mohd, and Almsafir (2014) argue there is a significantly strong relationship between the leadership behavior and organizational commitment. Also, the paper synthesizesRead MoreNursing Management and Leadership Style688 Words   |  3 Pagessaid the leadership style that inspired her the most was servant leadership and she tries to incorporate this in her leadership duties as much as possible. Leadership Style The servant leadership model is a model that seems to be growing in popularity. The concept of servant leadership was originally introduced by Robert Greenleafe in the 1970s and was later adopted up by many famous leadership writers such as Stephen Covey (Greenleafe Center, 2011). 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Therefore, considering there is little distinction between men and women on several leadership traits and between intelligence and innovation levels, the gender leadership gap existing in ourRead MoreBusiness Ethics : The Fundamental Purposes Of An Organization1195 Words   |  5 Pageswould be violating fiduciary responsibility if it sacrificed profits to other concerns. Business ethics refers to the set of contemporary standards that govern the behavior of persons in a business organization. It has both normative and descriptive dimensions. The field is primarily normative when considered as a corporate practice. The range of concern on business ethical issues focuses on the interaction of profit-maximizing behavior with non-economic concerns. Ethics are vital when it comes to

Monday, May 11, 2020

Questions On Sexuality And Sexual Health - 1770 Words

STAGE 1 HEALTH †¢ SACE No. 455219T Issues Analysis: Sexuality and Sexual Health TEEN PREGNANCY – By Emily Downing According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in 1981 the birthrate for women aged 15-19 was 28.2 births per 1000 women in that age bracket. In 2012, the birthrate for the same age bracket was 16.1 per 1000 women. As seen in the graph below, over that time the birthrate for teens has been declining with no significant peaks. Above: Graph depicting progression of fertility rates (the number of births per 1000 women) for specific age brackets over time. The teenage birthrate decline in Australia is due to a wide variety of factors. These are things such as changes to what teenagers learn in school, and the expectation that†¦show more content†¦Schools can choose to have their own courses internally, where they have their own teachers run the classes, or they have the option to bring in teachers from a company that specialises exclusively in teaching sex education, such as Sex Education Australia. These companies are usually sponsored or funded by their state government. There are also numerous easily accessible online resources that teens can find in the safety of their own homes, a comfortable environment that they can feel safe in. Like in many other areas, the internet and the development of new technologies has revolutionised the way students can learn, and the way teachers can educate. The large database of the world wide web is at the fingertips of nearly every teenager, and if used correctly it can be an invaluable i nformation source for teens without access to good sex education. Teenagers in the 1980s had very few places to go for information if their health teacher was insufficient, especially if they wished to be discrete about their search for knowledge. In most places back then it was considered the norm that a teenager s parents would be the ones to educate them on how to be safely sexually active. This was not a totally reliable method of educating young people, due to the fear felt by many parents and children alike regarding the extremely embarrassing Birds and the Bees conversation. Pop culture

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Importance Of School Uniforms - 798 Words

What is better than being organized in the morning, and having enough time to get ready and get to school on time? One way to achieve that is by having schools require their students to wear uniforms during school time. People have formed different opinions regarding uniforms in school. Some support and others oppose them. However, it should go back to the students. Many students in public schools have never tried school uniforms. These students, which include the majority, would not know if it is beneficial to have uniforms or not. Personally, I have been to different types of schools, each with different requirements. Some that required uniforms, and others that didn’t. So, I have gained some experience that allowed me to conclude that†¦show more content†¦Also, the parents benefit from school uniforms because they would not have to buy as much clothes for their children to change every day. The parents have to buy the uniforms only. This causes parents to save more money. Moving on, uniforms provide a learning atmosphere in schools. They remind the students that school is a place for learning, not to show off their clothes. Next, when schools have uniforms, the school would not worry about students not following the dress code. The school knows what the students are wearing. Therefore, it would not have to create a dress code. To add on to that, uniforms reduce distractions because students would not focus on what others are wearing, so they will focus more on their studies. Furthermore, uniforms make school a safer place. Uniforms reduce bullying among students. As I said before, I have attended two different schools: one that required uniforms, and one that doesn’t. I have seen that when uniforms are required, less bullying occurred. This is because all students see each other as being the same, thus reducing bullying based on appearances. In addition, uniforms separate the inside of the school from the outside. They make it easier t o identify outsiders and intruders. This decreases the chances of any school attacks, and keeps students safe. Any suspicious person in the school that is caught without aShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of School Uniforms955 Words   |  4 PagesFollowing a school dress code can cause an uncomfortable feeling , can be difficult for families and can decrease individual confidence. Would you like to wear a uniform that your school picked out for you every day and never get to be yourself? Uniforms in education should not be required in the United States unless they want to wear them. Barbara Cruz it might be a solution to help reduce bullying in and out of school (18). Uniforms don’t help students perform better in the classroom, and theyRead MoreThe Importance Of Uniforms In Schools1503 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"More than 60% of schools in America have uniforms† (Dr. Laura Faulk). Although this statement is not true, more and more public schools in America are enforci ng the use uniforms. Consequently, schools started requiring uniforms after former President Bill Clinton mentioned the topic in his 1996 State of the Union Speech (Wilde). This action caused an array of emotions because people do not want required clothes in their public schools. Some parents were for the push, however, other parents refusedRead MoreThe Importance Of School Uniforms990 Words   |  4 PagesI will prove that every school should have school uniforms.first off,school uniforms help improve focus.also,the grade point average of most students.lastly,helps stops bullying.Why my debate matters. School uniforms help improve focus.From an expert source â€Å"with no easy way to stand out among the crowd, students might find it worthwhile to do so the hard way by attention to their studies.†First off,without recognizing your friends it is easier to get to class on time and with all that time thinkRead MoreThe Importance Of School Uniforms1014 Words   |  5 Pagesclothing generally does not disrupt education in schools and therefore should have the right to choose their outfits. Students use clothing as an outlet for self-expression and as part of their identity. Advocates for uniforms are convinced that uniforms are effective, however; forcing students to wear uniforms has a negative impact on academic achievement. School uniforms are not beneficial to student’ education in the public school. School uniforms withhold students the opportunity to have creativityRead MoreThe Importance Of Uniforms In Schools813 Words   |  4 PagesStudents from schools with a uniform policy say that uniforms have affected the way they feel about themselves in an unsatisfactory way. Uniforms are proven to slow down the transition into becoming an adult because students are not used to choosing their own clothing. Wearing a uniform opens an opportunity for students to judge each other’s bodies based on how they look and it creates room for drama and bullying. The uniforms can also obstruct a student from expressing themselves. Schools should notRead MoreThe Importance Of School Uniforms In Schools1693 Words   |  7 Pagesprivate and public schools around America have a uniform policy. The idea of bringing uniforms to schools is an issue that has been discussed and argued about for many years. There are very few students who believe that uniforms should be required, and other student s just dislike the colors that come with them. Although uniforms have been known to make students look decent, there are many negative side effects that come with them. Some people think that a student wearing a uniform looks well and respectableRead MoreThe Importance Of School Uniforms1839 Words   |  8 Pagesviews on school uniforms. People feel as if they have to be on either side but are unsure why. One can agree it could be a positive thing or a negative thing or in between it depends on the parents and students. Uniforms are not for everyone but for some it’s perfect. Uniforms prevent inappropriate clothing, as far as unfitting logos or gang related colors or attire. Uniforms have been linked to better behavior in schools and in the prevention of distractions in class. However, uniforms violate theRead MoreImportance Of School Uniforms Essay876 Words   |  4 Pagessomething to wear to school the next day? School uniforms are beneficial because first of all, with sc hool uniforms students will fit in with their school and everyone. Second, school uniforms help schools recognize those who do and do not belong on campus. And third, they are cheaper than normal clothes. Some might think that they are boring, but the thing is that school have them in different colors which could make it fun for the students. The first reason why school uniforms are beneficial is becauseRead More The Importance of Uniforms in Public Schools Essay1197 Words   |  5 PagesThe Importance of Uniforms in Public Schools Abstract: For a while, dress codes have been implemented in private and parochial schools across the county. It wasnt until more recent that the issue was brought to discussion about a dress code in public schools. Uniforms serve a purpose to the schools that are adapting the change in attire. The uniform dress code has helped make private and parochial schools more prestigious for their organization and the results of it. Uniforms would be beneficialRead MorePersuasive Speech On School Dress Code1316 Words   |  6 Pageswhat our first amendment speaks about. The freedom of speech and expression. Schools have been violating this law in the place of school dress codes. There should not be a dress code in school because it violates the first amendment, they do not support creativity and they are expensive. Dress codes violate the first amendment. Students should have the ability to express themselves as it is their right to do so, but schools are prohibiting them from being able to express themselves. In the article

Life Sentence, Cruel and Unusual Punishment Free Essays

Teenagers are always committing petty crimes, and some are more sever then others. Most of the time when juveniles are charged for crimes, they are sent to Juvenile Hall. But what if the crime requires more We will write a custom essay sample on Life Sentence, Cruel and Unusual Punishment? or any similar topic only for you Order Now com/capital-punishment-and-sensitive-societal-issue/"punishment than that? Some teenagers are committing crimes so sever that they’re being tried as adults and serving life in prison without parole. The Supreme Court is now considering whether this sentence constitutes ‘cruel and unusual’ punishment. Teenagers are always doing something illegal because maybe they think it’s cool or they’re not thinking properly or whatever it’ll be. But no matter how extensive the crime, teens shouldn’t be imprisoned their whole lives because of one stupid decision or mistake they made at 15 years old. Hopefully some people grow up and out of their old ways and they regret what they had done. But, unfortunately, that’s not enough. Joe Sullivan. 13 years old. Convicted in 1989 for sexually assaulting a 72-year-old woman. Now at 34, Joe is asking the Supreme Court to decide whether his sentence violates the Constitution’s Eighth Amendment ban on â€Å"cruel and unusual punishmentâ€Å". Joe Sullivan is located in Florida – the state holding the highest number of non-homicidal juvenile lifers: 77. Joe’s crime is cruel and unusual but others could and are way worse. According to the reports from the Equal Justice Initiatives, only 8 people in the world, all in the United States, are serving crimes they committed at 13. Prompted by a quick rise in juvenile crimes in the 1990s, Florida and other states have taken a get-tough approach. Which made the punishment much more sever for their crimes. Rebecca Falcon. 5 years old. Convicted on November 19th, 1997 for shooting and killing a cab driver. That night Rebecca was upset over an ex-boyfriend and because of that, she drank a large amount of whiskey. Later on, she and an 18-year-old friend hopped in a cab and within minutes the driver was dead. To this day, the shooter wasn’t identified, however the gun belonged to her friend. Both had put the blame on each other. Now Rebecca is 27 and highly regrets her decisions from night. Some people do mature over time and not everyone deserves to be entenced for life for a crime they committed as teenagers. 2,500 prisoners in the United States are serving life imprisonment for crimes they did as juveniles. 109 people were sentenced for life for crimes that didn’t involve a homicide. Besides Sullivan’s case, there have been only one other case involving teenagers locked away for rape. But the question is, is it right? Obviously putting them in Juvenile Hall will do nothing seeing how they committed the crime a year or two before they would get out if they were put there. But at the same time, life in prison might not be the best thing either. Putting a 13-year-old in jail and telling them they’ll be there for the rest of their lives is somewhat overwhelming. Young teens are more susceptible to peer pressure and easily run off the straight and narrow by the environment around them. Jail is suppose to serve two purposes: Punishment and rehabilitation. However, if teens are being sent to life without parole, they’re only getting the punishment. Not everyone should be giving parole but no one should be denied a chance at another life. How to cite Life Sentence, Cruel and Unusual Punishment?, Essays

Film Analysis The Life of David Gale Essay Example For Students

Film Analysis The Life of David Gale Essay The debate about whether capital punishment should be used has raged incessantly since it was reinstituted in the Democratic United States in 1976. The latest statistics on the death penalty reveal that 71% of Americans favor it for citizens convicted of murder, while 26% oppose it. Although the United States doesnt lead the world in total numbers of executions per year, it is within the top five. Of all the 38 states that still have capital punishment California leads with the most inmates on death row at 639 and Texas following with 447. California along with a growing number of several other states is reluctant to carry out its executions with only 11 since reinstitution. Texas is the number one state that carries out its executions in the country with 339 executions since 1976. The second state leading in executions is Virginia with a substantially lower number of 94. With the advent of DNA the evidence of innocent citizens being put to death has come to light and calls for protest and even abolition of the death sentence. Austin being the capital of Texas rears a hotbed for protest against this policy of punishment Death Penalty Fact Sheet. In February of 2003, director Alan Parker with Dirty Hands Productions released The Life of David Gale, written by former philosophy professor Charles Randolph. The script was originally made to star co-producer Nicolas Cage before prior commitments. The Life of David Gale stars Kevin Spacey as Dr. David Gale, Laura Linney as a fellow anti-death penalty activist, Constance Harraway, and Kate Winslet as the popular journalist from a major news magazine, Bitsey Bloom The Life of David Gale All Movie Guide. I viewed this film in its entirety in DVD format on my notebook computer at work during the a. m. ours in March of 2005. This fictional drama-thriller suggests the faults in the capital punishment policy. The film challenges to manner a murder mystery with deep idealistic thoughts on capital punishment, lifes purpose, and ones profound suffrage for a cause. Dr. David Gale is a well established professor, author, and head of the philosophy department at University of Austin. He was also an active member of an anti-death penalty activist group called Deathwatch. The group is a fictional one but not uncommon to real life. There are present day activist groups similar to this one is Austin as well as around the country. The professors life is turned upside down after a former student falsely accuses him of rape, latter regretting it, and his wife files for divorce and moves her and their son to Spain to live with her lover. After losing his position, reputation, and family he turns to alcohol for relief. When he seems to have hit bottom he is arrested and convicted for the rape and murder of his close friend Constance and sentenced to death. With only a few days until execution David requests an interview with a popular journalist named Bitsey Bloom. After receiving some mysteriousevidence she is left with only days to uncover the truth about his innocence. Although the film is a fictional one, it does address a real issue in the air presently: Should capital punishment be abolished? Whether ones for or against it, this movie should make one think about the issue but it tends to go a little further then it should. The script is way too slick to dignify Bitseys delusions or Davids professed idealism. The director never manages to conceal the method of deception that underbids this guilt-tripped story. Mostly the characters were fictional in a real environment of politics in Texas. President Bush is depicted in the film as Texas Governor Hardin on a fictional television show debating capital punishment with David Gale Arnold. The film The Life of David Gale takes place in modern day Texas. David Gale was a professor at the University of Austin, which was a substituted for the University of Texas at Austin. It was filmed on location so the setting was really accurate for the campus scenes and the houses were represented true to the Austin area as well sighting the old houses in that community. .u89ce051599133cb412324dd8d9579859 , .u89ce051599133cb412324dd8d9579859 .postImageUrl , .u89ce051599133cb412324dd8d9579859 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u89ce051599133cb412324dd8d9579859 , .u89ce051599133cb412324dd8d9579859:hover , .u89ce051599133cb412324dd8d9579859:visited , .u89ce051599133cb412324dd8d9579859:active { border:0!important; } .u89ce051599133cb412324dd8d9579859 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u89ce051599133cb412324dd8d9579859 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u89ce051599133cb412324dd8d9579859:active , .u89ce051599133cb412324dd8d9579859:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u89ce051599133cb412324dd8d9579859 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u89ce051599133cb412324dd8d9579859 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u89ce051599133cb412324dd8d9579859 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u89ce051599133cb412324dd8d9579859 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u89ce051599133cb412324dd8d9579859:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u89ce051599133cb412324dd8d9579859 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u89ce051599133cb412324dd8d9579859 .u89ce051599133cb412324dd8d9579859-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u89ce051599133cb412324dd8d9579859:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Ironies Of Life EssayEven the taxicab company, Roys Taxi, was exact to the local businesses. The protests on campus and at the Capital Building were typical of what one might see regularly in the city of Austin. The city of Huntsville is placed in East Texas north of Houston. It is a relatively small town with a huge prison system sprawled out within the piney wooded area with two-lane bare roads connecting the different facilities. I have visited this particular penitentiary and would have to declare that this film truly depicted what its like to enter such an institution as the Huntsville Penitentiary.